The largest Japanese specialty store in Macau, "DON DON DONKI Studio City Store" covering an area of over 30,000 square feet. The new store provides Macau citizens and tourists with a leisure holiday experience where they can indulge in an unparalleled journey into Japanese cuisine and culture locally.
The flagship store boasts an array of offerings of fresh ingredients shipped directly from Japan, and uses the "CLAIR Send-you Refrigerated Display Cabinets" of a Japan's high-quality brand - Fukushima GALILEI. The series of "CLAIR Send-you Refrigerated Display Cabinets" are available in a wide selection of temperature, size and color which meets all ingredients and different stores. Besides, a wide selection of options can help increasing the performance and improving presentation.
The appearance design of GALILEI's "CLAIR Send-you Refrigerated Display Cabinets" is simple, elegant, and with attention to details. Besides the unique functional advantages, the integration of the design around the front area presents with a sense of uniformity. It is a great choice for supermarkets and chain stores!
The LED light (CLAIR LED) developed by the GALILEI team can increase the illumination by approximately 20%. The CLAIR LED color variations achieve an enhanced presentation and high color rendering. It highlights the color and freshness of the ingredients thereby stimulates the customers' desire to buy. Stable temperature management is the strongest advantage of GALILEI refrigerated display cabinets. In addition to extending the shelf life of fresh food, it also effectively reduces the risk of food spoilage due to improper storage, and reduces food loss and waste.
Shop: Location: Shop A1, Level 1, Studio City, Macau
Project Type: Display Refrigeration
The flagship store boasts an array of offerings of fresh ingredients shipped directly from Japan, and uses the "CLAIR Send-you Refrigerated Display Cabinets" of a Japan's high-quality brand - Fukushima GALILEI. The series of "CLAIR Send-you Refrigerated Display Cabinets" are available in a wide selection of temperature, size and color which meets all ingredients and different stores. Besides, a wide selection of options can help increasing the performance and improving presentation.
The appearance design of GALILEI's "CLAIR Send-you Refrigerated Display Cabinets" is simple, elegant, and with attention to details. Besides the unique functional advantages, the integration of the design around the front area presents with a sense of uniformity. It is a great choice for supermarkets and chain stores!
The LED light (CLAIR LED) developed by the GALILEI team can increase the illumination by approximately 20%. The CLAIR LED color variations achieve an enhanced presentation and high color rendering. It highlights the color and freshness of the ingredients thereby stimulates the customers' desire to buy. Stable temperature management is the strongest advantage of GALILEI refrigerated display cabinets. In addition to extending the shelf life of fresh food, it also effectively reduces the risk of food spoilage due to improper storage, and reduces food loss and waste.
Shop: Location: Shop A1, Level 1, Studio City, Macau
Project Type: Display Refrigeration
新式超市及街市係近年大趨勢!!尢其疫情關係,其潔淨程度深得民心。但過往的新式超市及街市,食材總不及傳統街市新鮮。FRESH 有見及此,將兩個原素大結合!!繼日出康城商場店開業後,近日於康怡廣場再設分店。新店佔地兩萬方呎左右,以「港式新鮮市集」為主題。共設有二十八個特色主題專區,主打新鮮食品。引入過百款本地及環球海鮮、各式新鮮蔬果、本地鮮豬及西式肉類外,亦設有米坊、豆品專區、蛋專區、特色香料、藥膳及酒坊等。個人護理、健康、美容及寵物用品都應有盡有。FRESH 更極力支持本地創意品牌,提供近一千五百種香港製造產品。臨近新年,FRESH 不忘提供各式特色賀年食品及禮盒。場內同時注入 3D 錯視藝術元素,大家邊掃貨邊打卡啦!!
JORDAO Xtra-view Multidecks- For DELICATESSEN, DAIRY PRODUCTS, BEVERAGES and per-packed SUSHI- Models with 80cm and 62cm depth- Front glass doors for up to 50% energy saving- Energy saving LED lighting- Internal finish as white- High-bright LED undershelf lighting- Double glazed glass panoramic end wallsOptional extras :-- Remote condensing unit- Castor wheels (H=+75mm.)- Optional factory fit colours for interior and exterior
本司有份參與的全新日式精品超市「谷辰 GUU SAN」昨天試業, 位處尖沙咀市中心,和風裝潢結合絲絲襌意,加上溫暖自然的光缐,客人於店內欣賞手工美藝之時,重拾內心的平靜。佔地逾 5,000 平方呎,崇尚質感生活的「谷辰 GUU SAN」主力搜羅新鮮蔬果、健康零食、急凍與包裝食品、嬰兒用品、生活雜貨和個人日常單品。特設3個專區,分別是米角 KOME KORNER,每天用日本食材製作新鮮飯糰便當;THE SALFEE BAR 以創意打造營養沙律與咖啡,同時設置IG-able,拍照打卡一流;至於沢屋 SAWAYA,搜羅全球優質營養食材,客人更可以隨心選購所需要的分量,減少使用包裝,為地球環保出一分力!「谷辰 GUU SAN」除了提供優質、一站式的購物體驗外,更希望透過店內恬靜、純淨的空間感,讓所有顧客體驗品牌提倡的「安」、「養」、「歇」、「聚」四種理想生活的精神,仿如走進日本寧靜處,徹底釋放疲倦與壓力,為繁忙的生活洗滌心靈。
地址:尖沙咀中間道 15 號 H ZENTRE 地下G01-02舖
地址:尖沙咀中間道 15 號 H ZENTRE 地下G01-02舖
Congratulations for the Revamped Amazing Food Hall in Times Square city'super!The Amazing Food Hall got a makeover and the revamped wine and dine area reopens at city’super Times Square store! Echoing the innovative Foodie Wonderland retail concept with over 18,000 premium ingredients sourced from across the world and available at city’super, the brand-new Amazing Food Hall offers specially designed menus where you can order your favourite dish and have it prepared for you on the spot. There are more than 150 seats at the Eat-in Area with Wine Town nearby, so you can dine-in or purchase the ingredients at city’super and recreate the same dishes at home. Now that’s a comprehensive Buy & Dine and Dine & Buy one-stop dining and shopping experience!
Congratulations for the grand opening of YATA North Point supermarket!Together with YATA project team, FUKUSHIMA and JORDAO, we have created lots of new solutions to display and preserve the food products in the best way. You will find the latest showcase series "CLAIR" debut in overseas market manufactured by Fukushima Industrial in Japan, and the "DAISY" hot and cold glass counter showcase by JORDAO from Portugal. Also we have the dual temperature plug-in showcase from ARNEG, the back of house cold rooms, the DO-CONDITIONER from FUKUSHIMA...and more...If you would like to know more about how we could assist to reinvent your business, please do not hesitate to contact our representative.
一田超市位於旺角既分店係上年七月既時侯開始進行大翻新,於一月二十號終於以全新面貌同大家再見面啦!!多謝客戶全場再次選用本司代理的日本Fukushima Industrial (福島工業)陳列凍櫃,葡萄牙Jordao 玻璃凍櫃、熱櫃及蛋糕櫃,意大利/韓國 Arneg 雙溫流動櫃,及廚房與貨倉區冷房等。我司一向專注以提供各類型超市冷凍系統陳列櫃及其它商用及廚房用冷凍設備與冷房見稱。改頭換面既一田旺角MOKO店落戶新世紀廣場五樓,佔地 19,000 呎,比舊店足足大左超過 50%!!設計方面引用左日本庭園風格,元素方面注入「#Food+」概念同 ABC Cooking Studio 攜手合作將超市和食肆黎個大結合,將煮食教學片同各種小百科融入超市同食店入面,等想食、想買、想煮既你地可以邊食、邊買、邊學煮。#Food+ 主題區足足有三千二百幾呎,打造「五大自煮食桌」同「六大輕食食桌」,引入十一間話題食店。當中包括日式鐵板燒「Grill+」、以揚物炸魚餅聞名既「魚河岸」、直送日本海鮮製作壽司同刺身既「魚兵衛」、主打西班牙伊比利亞黑毛豬既「PATA NEGRA House」、食蠔吧!、榴槤控不容錯失既馬來西亞榴槤 Crossover 日本烘焙材料既「老樹」... 另外,店內同時打造個性「日本美肌藥妝專區」同「日本人氣手信區」……大量正野實在不能盡錄,快d親身去一田旺角MOKO店尋寶啦!
Together with Fukushima and Jordao, we have created a stunning Yata supermarket in Yoho Town Yuen Long. With the selection of high quality showcases and accurate refrigeration system design from our engineering team, we strike to provide the best service and long life span refrigeration equipment to customer.
Hi everyone!!! We are pleased to announce we just supplied a custom made wine cellar to an elegant hotel located in Niseko, Hokkaido Japan. This wine cellar is made with stainless steel with warm LED lighting inside the cabinet. Customer is very satisfied with the design as well as the performance of the wine cellar.
Fixwell is very pleased to once again cooperated with FREE MARKET COMPANY on its new shop opening in Central World Wide House, a perfect and convenient location for nearby working people and tourists, providing them unique convenience store shopping experience. Fixwell provide tailor-made cashier, shelves, refrigeration system and other POP accessories. Congratulations again!
Congratulations to the re-opening of APITA at Tai Koo Shing in Apr 2014.By fulfilling all the requirement in a very tight schedule, client paid a high compliment to our installation, managementand coordination works on all “FUKUSHIMA” Showcases, Coldrooms and Refrigeration systems in their supermarket.
Congratulations!!! The new "Regal Patisserie" is now opened. New shops are located at Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon City and Airport.All cake and chocolate showcases are supplied by Fixwell.
Tsim Sha Tsui
Kowloon City
Tsim Sha Tsui
Kowloon City