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Fixwell Display System Co., Ltd.


Shop: Don Don Donki MPM
Location: Shop 2A, 2/F, MPM Plaza, 11 Nelson Street, Mong Kok, Hong Kong.
Project Type: Display Refrigeration

Don Don Donki MPM Plaza Store launches with grand opening on September 16, which is DONKI's 11th store in Hong Kong. The store is located in the heart of Mong Kok, nearby Mong Kok MTR Station, the shopping paradise for hipster and visitors to Hong Kong.

This new store focuses on all kinds of exquisite gifts, snacks, beverages, toys, cosmetics, daily necessities, Japanese gift boxes. All the refrigerated showcases in the store, as always, are from a quality Japanese brand "Fukushima GALILEL". It has a simple design, excellent cooling performance and stable temperature control while maintains food quality and energy- efficient reduces electricity costs effectively.
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! May the round moon bring you a happy family and health.

Fixwell Display System Co, Ltd

FIXWELL Helps Premium Gourmet Food Store “Almighty Gourmet” Save 30%-40% on Energy Costs!

Providing Efficient Energy Solutions for Premium Gourmet Food Stores
We are thrilled to share that our client, the premium gourmet food store “Almighty Gourmet” has provided positive feedback on FIXWELL's innovative refrigeration solutions and energy-saving technology!

Significant Energy Savings
According to Michael Tse, Business Director of Almighty Gourmet, FIXWELL's stable and energy-efficient refrigeration solutions have helped the store save approximately 30%-40% on energy costs, delivering long-term benefits to the business!

Supporting Business Expansion
Michael Tse also stated, "FIXWELL’s service is outstanding! They maintain excellent communication with our team, helping us quickly resolve refrigeration issues, making the new store opening process smooth. FIXWELL’s reliable shipping and expertise in refrigeration technology allow our team to focus on business development without worrying about equipment-related challenges.”

Enhancing Customer Experience
Additionally, after using FIXWELL’s refrigeration equipment, Almighty Gourmet has found that their store is quieter and cooler compared to other gourmet food stores, significantly enhancing the overall customer experience.

Building Strong Partnerships
FIXWELL's services have helped Almighty Gourmet overcome numerous challenges, establishing a solid long-term partnership. We'd thank Almighty Gourmet for their continued support and look forward to providing energy-saving benefits and stability in refrigeration systems to more businesses in the future!

Almighty Gourmet
Location: Shop UG 078-079, UG/F, MCP Central (Phase 2), 8 Yan King Road, Po Lam, Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong.

“R1234yf” Green Refrigerant in Commercial Refrigerators

We are proud to announce the newly released GALILEI Commercial Refrigerators operating with a refrigerant’s global warming potential (GWP) value of ONE only - an INDUSTRY-FIRST commercial refrigerated equipment with “R1234yf” green refrigerant.

Transition to Refrigerants with Lower Global Warming Potential

Climate change is an urgent global challenge with long-term implications for the sustainable development of all countries. By rapidly cutting emissions of greenhouse gases, we can lessen the risks of dangerous climate change. Under the Montreal Protocol, many countries are phasing out high-GWP refrigerants and driving research to identity and promote eco-friendly alternatives.

Development of Equipment with Low-GWP Refrigerant “R1234yf” (GWP1)
Fukushima Galilei is striving to reduce greenhouse gases and contribute to prevent global warming. They are committed to diligently fulfilling their corporate social responsibility by developing high performance products and equipment with low-GWP refrigerants.

The new series of GALILEI Commercial Refrigerators are designed for use with “R1234yf” green refrigerant. "R1234yf" is a GWP1 refrigerant, which is highly efficient, mildly flammable, non-toxic, and has zero ozone depletion potential. “R1234yf” is known to be much easier to handle and safer than the low-GWP but highly flammable refrigerants “R290” and “R600a”. It can be repaired and inspected at the site of use.

GALILEI Commercial Refrigerator Series offers wide selection of sizes and features. Let’s explore and find the right fit for your business! (Download Catalogue Here)

Sole Agent of FUKUSHIMA GALILEI Refrigerated Showcase in HK and Macau

Come and join us at the RBHK 2024. FIXWELL will present you the latest refrigerated display and storage solutions. See U There!

Date : 3-5th Sept 2024
Time : 3-4th Sept (Tue to Wed) 11:00 - 18:30; 5th Sept (Thur) 11:00 - 17:00
Venue: Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (Hall 5)
Booth No : 5F-G22
Enquiry/Appointment: (852)2811 9381 / sales@fixwell.com.hk
Location: Shop 1-2, NOVO WALK, 8 Yan Po Road, Tuen Mun.
Project Type: Display Refrigeration

YATA's new concept store "YATADAY" was officially opened on May 10 at NOVO WALK in Tuen Mun!

The new concept store focuses on the "Daily Supermarket", which offers daily essential and high-quality fresh food, topical delicacies and household goods. It brings a new shopping experience to the urbanites who pursue a fashionable life and pay attention to efficiency, and develops a good habit of "Daily YATA”.

The new store covers an area of over 3,600 square feet, with a green, simple and natural decoration style that combines with life style. It uses “GALILEI“ showcases only, which is a high-quality Japanese brand that represented by FIXWELL. Along with the appearance is simple and elegant, “GALILEI” showcases has excellent coefficient of performance and low power consumption, which helps saving on electricity expenses. It is definitely your confident choice!

踏入2024年,本公司很榮幸於年初 捐贈了一台【Sweepcart消毒機】予「香港耀能協會 - 賽馬會復康座椅服務中心」,希望可以幫助減輕中心消毒輪椅的工作,為回饋社會作出點點棉力。

Entering 2024, we are honored to donate a “Sweepcart Sanitizing System” to the "SAHK - Jockey Club Rehabilitation Seat Service Center" at the beginning of the year. Hopefully, it could help alleviating the center's work of disinfecting wheelchairs, and contributing our efforts to give back to the community.

「賽馬會復康座椅服務中心」是本港提供一站式復康座椅評估、製作、租賃和維修的非牟利服務中心。 透過全面而專業的服務, 為社區上有需要的人士,如:兒童、長者及殘疾人士等,提供優質復康座椅、輔助用品及復康用品的製作、租賃和社區教育 服務。 中心更可以配合個別使用 者的體型和需要,為其度身訂造或改裝座椅。

"Jockey Club Rehabilitation Seat Service Center" is a non-profit service center in Hong Kong that provides one-stop professional assessment, fabrication, rental & repair service of rehabilitation chairs. By means of comprehensive professional works, they provide the people in need in the community, such as children, elders and persons with disabilities, etc., quality services including prescription, design and fabrication of rehabilitation seats, adaptive products and rental services. They also commit in public and community educations. Besides, the center could provide tailor-make or modify service in order to fit the body shape or cater the user’s every special needs.

中心對復康用品的清潔衛生有非常嚴格的標準。 無論是全新訂造、租賃、回收或交給中心維修的輪椅,於送抵中心時或交給使用者前,均會進行全面清潔和消毒程序,避免中心職員或使用者受到細菌或病毒感染。

The Centre has a strict hygiene regulation of the rehabilitation products. All wheelchairs whether they are newly ordered, returned after rental, recycled or delivered to the centre for repair, will be cleaned thoroughly and underwent a comprehensive disinfection process when it is delivered to the center or before being handed over to the user to prevent center staff or users from being infected by bacteria or viruses.

中心職員向我們表示,現時主要以蒸薰原理或人手塗抹消毒劑或酒精的方式對輪椅進行消毒,但程序十分需時。 同時,由於輪椅的主要材料都是金屬,使用消毒劑或蒸薰原理進行消毒有機會導致金屬侵蝕;而電動輪椅帶有電池和電路系統,更加不適合蒸薰消毒。 長期接觸消毒劑亦有可能危害中心職員健康。 中心每日處理大量輪椅交收工作,現時的清潔消毒方式實在對中心職員造成一定程度的壓力和困難。

The staff expressed that wheelchairs currently are disinfected manually by steaming or using of disinfectant / alcohol, but the process is very time-consuming. In addition, the major material of a wheelchair is metal, the usage of disinfectants or steaming process may cause metal corrosion. Moreover, there are batteries and circuit system in an electric wheelchair, which are even more unsuitable for steam disinfection. Long-term exposure to disinfectants may also endanger the health of the staff. The center receives and handles a large number of wheelchair handovers every day, current cleaning and disinfection methods actually cause a certain degree of pressure and difficulty for the staff.

本公司捐贈的【Sweepcart消毒機】為中心職員解決了種種清潔消毒程序上的難題,既省時又方便易用,更無需使用任何消毒劑,十分環保。 消毒機內有專利塗層,配合UV-A燈模擬光催化過程,只需短短20秒,即可殺滅輪椅上的細菌、病毒、黴菌,同時消除異味和其他污染物。 中心職員試用過後都表示十分滿意和驚嘆消毒機的卓越效能,對他們處理大量輪椅消毒問題有很大的幫助,同時亦十分感謝我們對中心的捐贈。 能夠幫助中心解決因難,本公司也十分高興。

The “Sweepcart Sanitizing System” we donated has solved various cleaning and disinfection problems for the staff. It is time-saving, convenient and easy to use, which does not require the use of any disinfectants. It is very environmentally friendly.

The patented coating on Sweepcart works with the UV-A lights to simulate the photocatalytic process. It takes only 20 seconds to kill bacteria, viruses, and mold on the wheelchair; eliminating odors and other pollutants as well. After a try-out, the staff were very satisfied and marveled at the excellent performance of the Sweepcart. It is a great solution helping them to handle the disinfection of a large number of wheelchairs. At the same time, they were very grateful for our donation. We are also very happy to be able to help the staff and solving their difficulties.

【Sweepcart消毒機】是一部專為解決超市購物車和機場手推車細菌問題而設計的消毒機。除了超市和機場,【Sweepcart】 亦已引用到醫院、老人院、傷健中心的輪椅或其他醫療保健領域用途上。

“Sweepcart Sanitizing System” is a disinfection machine specially designed to solve the bacterial problem of supermarket shopping carts and airport trolleys. Besides, Sweepcart has also found use in wheelchairs in hospitals, nursing homes, disability centers, or use in the healthcare sector.

如貴 機構閣下對【Sweepcart消毒機】感興趣或有任何查詢,歡迎與我們的銷售團隊聯絡。

If your organization is interested in the “Sweepcart Sanitizing System” or for any inquiries, please contact our sales team.

「香港耀能協會」創立於1963年,以「耀承所授,卓越展能」的信念,為不同年齡及類別的殘疾人士提供多元化的教育及康復服務,幫助他們展現潛能,增強自信和提升其獨立能力裝備自己融入社會。 協會現有四個核心服務,包括:「兒童及家庭支援服務」、「特殊教育」、「成人服務」及「社區支援服務」,為服務使用者提供涵蓋教育、住宿、家庭照顧、治療訓練、就業、職業復康及照顧者支援等全方位服務。 現時協會轄下共84個服務單位及專項計劃,每年為逾29,000個家庭提供常規服務。

Founded in 1963, in upholding its belief in “Succeed and Advance”, SAHK is dedicated to provide a wide range of rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities in order to develop their potential, enhance their independence and assist them integrate into the society. The Association’s four core services are “Children and Family Support Service”, “Special Education”, “Adult Service” and “Community Support Service”, render all-round support to their service users in the areas of education, residential and home care, therapeutic training, vocational training and employment, and carers support. At present, under the auspice of the Association, there are a total of 84 service units and specialized programmes to provide supporting services to over 29,000 families per annum.


“Sweepcart Sanitizing System” Authorized Sole Distributor in Hong Kong, Macau & New Zealand


Tel.: (852) 2811 9381 | Email: sales@fixwell.com.hk

Dear Valued Customers and Business Partners

Please be informed that our Hong Kong Office and Service Centre will be closed for Chinese New Year Holiday from 10 to 13 February 2024. Our business and service will be resumed normal on 14 February, 2024.

We still provide limited emergency repair services, please contact the appointed project manager.

May we take this opportunity to thank you for the support over the past year. Wishing you a Happy & Prosperous Lunar New Year.


Fixwell Display System Co, Ltd

Shop: DON DON DONKI Studio City Store
Location: Shop A1, Level 1, Studio City, Macau
Project Type: Display Refrigeration

The largest Japanese specialty store in Macau, "DON DON DONKI Studio City Store", opened grandly on February 2. This store is located in Studio City, Cotai, covering an area of over 30,000 square feet. The new store provides Macau citizens and tourists with a leisure holiday experience where they can indulge in an unparalleled journey into Japanese cuisine and culture locally.

The flagship store boasts an array of offerings of fresh ingredients shipped directly from Japan, and uses the "CLAIR Send-you Refrigerated Display Cabinets" of a Japan's high-quality brand - Fukushima GALILEI. The series of "CLAIR Send-you Refrigerated Display Cabinets" are available in a wide selection of temperature, size and color which meets all ingredients and different stores. Besides, a wide selection of options can help increasing the performance and improving presentation.

The appearance design of GALILEI's "CLAIR Send-you Refrigerated Display Cabinets" is simple, elegant, and with attention to details. Besides the unique functional advantages, the integration of the design around the front area presents with a sense of uniformity. It is a great choice for supermarkets and chain stores!

The LED light (CLAIR LED) developed by the GALILEI team can increase the illumination by approximately 20%. The CLAIR LED color variations achieve an enhanced presentation and high color rendering. It highlights the color and freshness of the ingredients thereby stimulates the customers' desire to buy. Stable temperature management is the strongest advantage of GALILEI refrigerated display cabinets. In addition to extending the shelf life of fresh food, it also effectively reduces the risk of food spoilage due to improper storage, and reduces food loss and waste.

>> Detailed Project Pictures

Wishing you good health, prosperity and happiness in 2024!

FIXWELL will continue working hard to provide better and more attentive service

in response to the needs of different types of clients, whether large or small.

Fixwell Display System Co, Ltd


Thank you for your continued support and trust in FIXWELL throughout this year.

Wishing you a very Happy Holiday Season and a Peaceful and Prosperous New Year.

We look forward to serving you again in the future.

Fixwell Display System Co, Ltd

Congratulations to Ming Fruit Shop for opening its new branch at V WALK in Nam Cheong Station!

Look, how fresh the fruits in the shop are!
Nagano-ken Muscat Grapes, Aomori Pear, Ehime Persimmon, Shizuoka Strawberry My mouth is watering!

Why the fruits kept at the shop are delicious and fresh? Besides the good varieties and seasonal selection, it is important to have a reliable refrigerator! The shop is equipped with Japanese high-quality brand - GALILEI display cabinets. The simple and elegance appearance highlights the beautiful colors of the fruits and stimulate sales. In addition, the intelligent cold circulation system extends the shelf life of the fruits and reduces losses which is energy-saving and environmentally friendly.

Congratulations to city'super for opening its new branch at AIRSIDE Mall in Kai Tak. Spanning over 25,000 square feet, city’super AIRSIDE is yet another embodiment of the core spirit of city’super – “crafting a better lifestyle.”

Thanks for choosing the high-quality Japanese and European brands of display refrigerators represented by FIXWELL, the integrating high quality and fashionable design further enhance customers' shopping experience.

Congratulations to Charles LEONG Hon Chio for getting another victory in the same day – 1st runner up in the "Macau Formula 4 Grand Prix - Final" held in the afternoon on 12/11. The race was tense and exciting. Charles was once getting very close to his teammate Arvid LINDBLAD at the first-placed, but he also had to play his attention to the third-placed Rashid AL DHAHERI. Finally, just only 0.274 seconds loosed to Arvid LINDBLAD. It was a glorious defeat.

At the same time, we would also like to congratulate the " SJM Theodore PREMA Racing” team for winning both the champion and 1st runner up in this event. BRAVO!

Race Car Fans, ARE YOU READY?

Just ONE day to Go! Macau's annual international sporting event - the 70th MACAU GRAND PRIX - will be kicked off tomorrow (November 11). All tickets for the first two days of the event have been sold out, only a few tickets left for the remaining days. Have you bought the tickets yet? I have already bought a ticket to support Charles Leong Hon Chio, the driver that FIXWELL sponsored. Charles is the two-time Formula 4 Macau Grand Prix champion. And, this year, he races with the Italian leading team of Formula racing - SJM Theodore PREMA Racing. He will definitely become the focus of the event.

FIXWELL has sponsored Charles Leong's racing car for three consecutive years. It is because we share the same philosophy as the Formula Racing team. FIXWELL’s dedication to precise engineering and teamwork are integral to our pursuit of excellence.

Official website of the MACAU GRAND PRIX: www.macau.grandprix.gov.mo

Innovation and energy saving, Jordão's new vertical display with dual temperature and heat recovery has been awarded the "Innovation Smart Label".

Futuro 2 dual temperature vertical display is not just a hot or cold; it's both. It combines state-of-the-art technology, product promotion, customer experience, sustainability, and low energy consumption.

SMART Label is an award for innovation in the hospitality industry, promoted by HOST - Fiera Milano in collaboration with POLI.design, which will be given to those products / services / projects that stand out for distinctive features in terms of functionality, technology, environmental sustainability, or ethical or social implications. (
Download Official Catalogue)

Press Release References:
2) MARKETEER (2023.10.17) Expositor vertical da Jordão recebe distinção internacional “Innovation Smart Label”
3) GRANDE CONSUMO (2023.10.16) Jordão recebedistinção internacional Innovation Smart Label
4) GOSSIP ITALIA (203.10.16) Smart Label: 26concept innovativi premiati a Host-HRImag: Hotel, Ristoranti e Istituzioni

"UC Corporate Charity Run 2023" was successfully held at the Hong Kong Science Park on October 14.

As a business partner of "Uni-China Group", of course FIXWELL is delighted to support this charity run! In addition to providing sponsorship, our staff also participated in the activity for having action competencies for healthy living. On the day of the event, our staffs got ready and gathered vitally at the "Golden Egg" at 7 o'clock in the morning!

The event featured esteemed celebrities, including renowned actor Moses Chan, actor Wong Ting Fung & Hung Tak Yin, and three star-athletes, including Hong Kong figure skater Maisy Ma, 2023 Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon champion Virginia Lo, and Hong Kong sprinter Kingsum Yiu. They came and cheered everyone on, made it full of excitement and lively.

In addition to promoting healthy living through sports competition, the event also raised funds for the " The Salvation Army Hong Kong".
The Hong Kong Men's Football Team has historically reached the semi-finals of the Asian Games!

We closes an hour early especially to let our staffs go home early to support and cheer up the Hong Kong team in the semi-finals of the Hangzhou Asian Games.

May you have a delightful Mid-Autumn Festival with your family and loved ones.

Fixwell Display System Co, Ltd

Today is the Soft Opening of Apita (Tai Koo) after shopfront enhancement work and renovation. APITA keep going to bring customers new, exciting and premium quality products from Japan and worldwide. By equipping with the “FUKULSHIMA GALILEI” showcases supplied by FIXWELL, APITA brings customers a better shopping experience!

Come and join us at the RBHK 2023. FIXWELL will present you the latest refrigerated display and storage solution for restaurants. See U There!

Date : 5-7th Sept 2023
Time : 5-6 Sept 11:00 - 18:30, 7 Sept 11:00 - 17:00
Venue: Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre (Hall 5)
Booth No : 5F-F11
Enquiry: (852)2811 9381 / sales@fixwell.com.hk

Grab & Go is the norm of busy HK business executives!

JORDAO's latest "FRESCO Combi" perfectly combines assisted service and self-service of foods/beverages in a single showcase, bringing more convenience to you and your customers. "FRESCO Combi" is beautiful in appearance and practical in design. It can help your business grow and stimulate sales by maximizing shop space and reducing cost, which is a good choice of equipment you cannot miss in your business! "FRESCO Combi" is available in different sizes and temperature combinations to meet your needs.

Welcome to inquire with our professional sales team at (852) 2811 9381 / sales@fixwell.com.hk

“Reading is a Good Habit for Students and Children!” FIXWELL is always willing to provide supports to the education organizations for promoting the reading culture among students. Coincidentally with the school library renovation project of Wah Yan College Hong Kong, FIXWELL has donated multiple "Mobile Library Book Shelves" as a token of our support and appreciation.

Wah Yan College Hong Kong is one of the famous traditional schools in Hong Kong, which was found more than a hundred years ago. "Wah Yan” emphasizes nurturing reading habits among students and encourages students to broaden their field of study from reading. The school Library has a total collection of more than 25,000 volumes, which is one of the secondary school libraries with the largest collection of books in Hong Kong.

FIXWELL provides bookshelf and display solutions in different sizes and styles to meet all your needs! Welcome to contact our professional design team for further details: (852) 2811 9381 / sales@fixwell.com.hk.

Congratulations to FUKUSHIMA GALILEI on the great success of FOOMA JAPAN 2023!

At the show, FUKUSHIMA GALILEI introduced many proposals for the future improvements under the theme of "GALILEI GO!”

By controlling freezing and thawing, FUKUSHIMA GALILEI prepared many solutions on improving quality, hygiene and working times.


Merry Christmas!

Thank you for all your support and guidance this year.

Best wishes for a healthy, happy, and peaceful New Year.

Fixwell Display System Co, Ltd
The fourth crossover concept supermarket of TASTE x FRESH officially opens today! The new branch landed in Tuen Mun, with the consistent concept of providing a one-stop brand-new and ultimate shopping experience for daily life and fresh ingredients.

The opening ceremony invited the popular "STARS Academy" female singer Chantel and Gigi Yim Ming Hay to explore the new AR shopping experience, share their food experiences as well as the daily life activities.

Let’s come and visit the shop to experience a new style of enjoying gourmet!

IFC City'Super has continued to serve you with a new look after the renovation two months ago. The new look brings more surprises to customers, a greater sense of space, and clearer product classification. You will have a more convenient, comfortable and enjoyable shopping experience.

Halloween is coming, IFC City'Super has selected a variety of themed goodies. Come and experience the new look, and prepare for Halloween!

「輝和」是本地一間歷史悠久的企業,一直專注於香港、澳門及東南亞很多著名的超市冷凍系統及設備供應。 我們都是為實現理想去奮鬥的本地公司。

本司在上星期於百老匯圓方戲院 (Elements Premier House) 包場宴請辛勞的同事和親友們一起觀看及支持本地創作電影「明日戰記」,亦作為對香港電影史上最具規模科幻巨著作出致敬。 希望在不久的將來能夠觀賞更多不同題材的本地科幻電影,甚至創造出能橫誇世代的科幻系列 ......


We are pleased to invite you to RBHK 2022 at the Hong Kong Convention Exhibition Centre. We, Fixwell Display System Co., Ltd., as the sole agent of FUKUSHIMA GALILEI (JAPAN) refrigerated showcase equipment and their main partner in Hong Kong & Macau, we are excited to present and introduce the newly developed refrigeration equipment in this big event, as well as other commercial refrigeration brands with various styles and efficiencies.

Date: 6th - 8th September 2022
Time: 6th & 7th September (11:00am -6:30pm); 8th September (11:00am - 5:00pm)
Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Hall 5)
Booth No.: 5F-F25

We hope to bring a wonderful and wholly new insight to all our visitors. Looking forward to seeing you in the exhibition.

DONKI 黃埔分店今日正式開幕!

新店全場一萬多呎,以昭和復古的概念設計。除左一直主打的刺身及海鮮區、凍肉區、 零食及甜品區及生果區外,亦有多個即製小食攤位,例如:即烤和牛串。更設有開鮮選壽司、安田精米及全新副線選樂食堂, 瞬間成為全港最齊全 DONKI 分店!

DONKI 迷潮聖啦!
An unforgettable day on the JORDAO 40th anniversary and we are honoured to be part of it. Thank you for the hospitality. May another great 40 years to come.

Thank you for your support in 2021!

We wish you all with a happy and prosperous new year,
and look forward to continuing to work closely with customers and suppliers in 2022!

Fixwell Display System Co, Ltd


Please visit and check out at Jordao's website for more details.


An article about Fixwell was published in 2013-2014 Grocery Trade Magazine (Buying Guide),For more information on our products please call our Sales Dept.