輝和陳列設備有限公司 仝人敬賀

Alex Dunne from SJM Theodore PREMA Racing
Our logo proudly rides with #32 Alex Dunne, a rising star from Ireland and a member of the McLaren Driver Development Programme. Alex is a driver with immense potential, looking to follow in the footsteps of Formula 1 legends who began their careers with PREMA. His skill, determination, and commitment to excellence mirror the same values that inspire Fixwell NZ as we continue to grow and establish ourselves in the refrigeration industry every day.
Why Fixwell NZ & SJM Theodore PREMA Racing Make the Perfect Team?
At Fixwell NZ, we import high-quality refrigeration products that are built to endure and perform under pressure — just like SJM Theodore PREMA Racing does on the racetrack. We believe in consistent reliability, sustainability, and after-sales support, ensuring that our clients have the best solutions for their needs—just as Alex has the best tools and support behind him on his journey to the top levels of motorsport.
“Cool Power, Driven by Performance”
Just as Fixwell NZ delivers innovative and reliable refrigeration solutions, Alex Dunne brings exceptional performance to the track.
Join us in cheering for Alex and the SJM Theodore PREMA Racing Team at the 71st Macau Grand Prix!

Don Don Donki 旺角文華商場(MPM)店於9月16日開幕喇! 係 DONKI 第 11 間分店。 今次終於進駐旺角心臟位置,鄰近港鐵旺角站,係潮人同訪港旅客嘅Shopping聖地。
呢間分店主打各式精品、零食、飲品、玩具、化妝品、日用品、日本禮盒樣樣齊。 雪櫃陳列仍然選用日本優質品牌「福島GALILEI」,設計簡約,製冷效能極佳,穩定地控制溫度,保持食品質素之餘更可慳電,有效減低電費成本。

輝和陳列設備有限公司 仝人敬賀

✅ 為優質食材店提供更有效率的節能方案
✅ 實在的節能效果
據「食神」業務總監Michael Tse引述:「「輝和」穩定且節能的創新冷藏解決方案為「食神」節省了高達約30%-40%的能源開支,為客戶帶來真正的長遠利益!」
✅ 助客戶輕鬆擴展業務
「食神」的業務總監Michael Tse表示:「「輝和」的服務非常出色!他們與我們團隊保持良好的溝通,協助迅速解決團隊遇到的冷藏問題,讓新店的開業過程順利進行。「輝和」可靠的運輸安排和對冷藏技術的專業知識,都使我們的團隊能夠更加專注於業務發展,無需顧慮冷藏設備帶來的各種情況。」
✅ 提升顧客體驗
✅ 堅實的夥伴關係

採用 “R1234yf” 環保雪種的商用廚房雪櫃
我們非常榮幸地宣布:全新推出的GALILEI商用廚房雪櫃,其配備冷媒的全球變暖潛能值(GWP) 僅為1,是業界首款採用「R1234yf」冷媒的商用冷凍設備。
氣候變遷是迫切的全球性挑戰,對各國永續發展產生長遠的影響。 透過迅速減少溫室氣體排放,我們可以減少氣候變遷所帶來的危害。 根據《蒙特利爾議定書》,許多國家正在逐步淘汰高全球變暖潛能值的冷媒,並推動研究尋找和推廣環保替代品。
福島Fukushima Galilei正努力減少溫室氣體排放,為防止全球暖化作出貢獻。 他們致力於透過開發和採用低GWP冷媒的高性能產品和設備,努力履行企業社會責任。
全新推出的GALILEI商用廚房雪櫃系列專為使用「R1234yf」環保冷媒而設計。「R1234yf」是一種GWP只有1的冷媒,高效能、低易燃、無毒性、臭氧消耗潛值為零。 眾所周知,「R1234yf」比同樣是低GWP但高度易燃性的冷媒「R290」和「R600a」更容易處理,也更安全;更可以在使用現場進行修理和檢查。

日期 : 2024年9月3-5日
時間 : 9月3-4日(二/三) 11:00 - 18:30 、 9月5日(四) 11:00 - 17:00
地點 : 香港會議展覽中心 (展覽廳5)
展位編號 : 5F-G22
查詢/預約: (852) 2811 9381 / sales@fixwell.com.hk

店舖位置:屯門欣寶路8號NOVO WALK 1-2號店
一田全新概念店「YATADAY每日一田」已於昨日(5月10日)於一田全新概念店「YATADAY每日一田」已於昨日(5月10日)於#ConvenienceStores屯門NOVO WALK正式開幕喇!
新店佔地約3,600平方呎,以翠綠自然的簡約裝潢風格,結合生活品味。 場內雪櫃均選用FIXWELL代理的日本優質口碑品牌「GALILEI」展示櫃,外形不單簡約美觀、而且冷凍效能極佳,耗電量低,可節省不少電力開支,絶對是信心之選!

踏入2024年,本公司很榮幸於年初 捐贈了一台【Sweepcart消毒機】予「香港耀能協會 - 賽馬會復康座椅服務中心」,希望可以幫助減輕中心消毒輪椅的工作,為回饋社會作出點點棉力。
Entering 2024, we are honored to donate a “Sweepcart Sanitizing System” to the "SAHK - Jockey Club Rehabilitation Seat Service Center" at the beginning of the year. Hopefully, it could help alleviating the center's work of disinfecting wheelchairs, and contributing our efforts to give back to the community.

「賽馬會復康座椅服務中心」是本港提供一站式復康座椅評估、製作、租賃和維修的非牟利服務中心。 透過全面而專業的服務, 為社區上有需要的人士,如:兒童、長者及殘疾人士等,提供優質復康座椅、輔助用品及復康用品的製作、租賃和社區教育 服務。 中心更可以配合個別使用 者的體型和需要,為其度身訂造或改裝座椅。
"Jockey Club Rehabilitation Seat Service Center" is a non-profit service center in Hong Kong that provides one-stop professional assessment, fabrication, rental & repair service of rehabilitation chairs. By means of comprehensive professional works, they provide the people in need in the community, such as children, elders and persons with disabilities, etc., quality services including prescription, design and fabrication of rehabilitation seats, adaptive products and rental services. They also commit in public and community educations. Besides, the center could provide tailor-make or modify service in order to fit the body shape or cater the user’s every special needs.
中心對復康用品的清潔衛生有非常嚴格的標準。 無論是全新訂造、租賃、回收或交給中心維修的輪椅,於送抵中心時或交給使用者前,均會進行全面清潔和消毒程序,避免中心職員或使用者受到細菌或病毒感染。
The Centre has a strict hygiene regulation of the rehabilitation products. All wheelchairs whether they are newly ordered, returned after rental, recycled or delivered to the centre for repair, will be cleaned thoroughly and underwent a comprehensive disinfection process when it is delivered to the center or before being handed over to the user to prevent center staff or users from being infected by bacteria or viruses.
中心職員向我們表示,現時主要以蒸薰原理或人手塗抹消毒劑或酒精的方式對輪椅進行消毒,但程序十分需時。 同時,由於輪椅的主要材料都是金屬,使用消毒劑或蒸薰原理進行消毒有機會導致金屬侵蝕;而電動輪椅帶有電池和電路系統,更加不適合蒸薰消毒。 長期接觸消毒劑亦有可能危害中心職員健康。 中心每日處理大量輪椅交收工作,現時的清潔消毒方式實在對中心職員造成一定程度的壓力和困難。
The staff expressed that wheelchairs currently are disinfected manually by steaming or using of disinfectant / alcohol, but the process is very time-consuming. In addition, the major material of a wheelchair is metal, the usage of disinfectants or steaming process may cause metal corrosion. Moreover, there are batteries and circuit system in an electric wheelchair, which are even more unsuitable for steam disinfection. Long-term exposure to disinfectants may also endanger the health of the staff. The center receives and handles a large number of wheelchair handovers every day, current cleaning and disinfection methods actually cause a certain degree of pressure and difficulty for the staff.
本公司捐贈的【Sweepcart消毒機】為中心職員解決了種種清潔消毒程序上的難題,既省時又方便易用,更無需使用任何消毒劑,十分環保。 消毒機內有專利塗層,配合UV-A燈模擬光催化過程,只需短短20秒,即可殺滅輪椅上的細菌、病毒、黴菌,同時消除異味和其他污染物。 中心職員試用過後都表示十分滿意和驚嘆消毒機的卓越效能,對他們處理大量輪椅消毒問題有很大的幫助,同時亦十分感謝我們對中心的捐贈。 能夠幫助中心解決因難,本公司也十分高興。
The “Sweepcart Sanitizing System” we donated has solved various cleaning and disinfection problems for the staff. It is time-saving, convenient and easy to use, which does not require the use of any disinfectants. It is very environmentally friendly.
The patented coating on Sweepcart works with the UV-A lights to simulate the photocatalytic process. It takes only 20 seconds to kill bacteria, viruses, and mold on the wheelchair; eliminating odors and other pollutants as well. After a try-out, the staff were very satisfied and marveled at the excellent performance of the Sweepcart. It is a great solution helping them to handle the disinfection of a large number of wheelchairs. At the same time, they were very grateful for our donation. We are also very happy to be able to help the staff and solving their difficulties.
“Sweepcart Sanitizing System” is a disinfection machine specially designed to solve the bacterial problem of supermarket shopping carts and airport trolleys. Besides, Sweepcart has also found use in wheelchairs in hospitals, nursing homes, disability centers, or use in the healthcare sector.
如貴 機構閣下對【Sweepcart消毒機】感興趣或有任何查詢,歡迎與我們的銷售團隊聯絡。 If your organization is interested in the “Sweepcart Sanitizing System” or for any inquiries, please contact our sales team.
「香港耀能協會」創立於1963年,以「耀承所授,卓越展能」的信念,為不同年齡及類別的殘疾人士提供多元化的教育及康復服務,幫助他們展現潛能,增強自信和提升其獨立能力裝備自己融入社會。 協會現有四個核心服務,包括:「兒童及家庭支援服務」、「特殊教育」、「成人服務」及「社區支援服務」,為服務使用者提供涵蓋教育、住宿、家庭照顧、治療訓練、就業、職業復康及照顧者支援等全方位服務。 現時協會轄下共84個服務單位及專項計劃,每年為逾29,000個家庭提供常規服務。
Founded in 1963, in upholding its belief in “Succeed and Advance”, SAHK is dedicated to provide a wide range of rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities in order to develop their potential, enhance their independence and assist them integrate into the society. The Association’s four core services are “Children and Family Support Service”, “Special Education”, “Adult Service” and “Community Support Service”, render all-round support to their service users in the areas of education, residential and home care, therapeutic training, vocational training and employment, and carers support. At present, under the auspice of the Association, there are a total of 84 service units and specialized programmes to provide supporting services to over 29,000 families per annum.
“Sweepcart Sanitizing System” Authorized Sole Distributor in Hong Kong, Macau & New Zealand

Tel.: (852) 2811 9381 | Email: sales@fixwell.com.hk
輝和陳列設備有限公司 仝人敬賀

全澳門最大型日式地道生活零售專賣店「DON DON DONKI 新濠影滙店」於2月2日盛大開幕。 這間店位於路氹的新濠影滙,佔地超過 30,000 平方呎,為澳門市民和旅客提供一個可以盡情享受最地道的日本餐飲和文化風情的休閒度假體驗。
旗艦店內提供各式各樣由日本直送的新鮮食材,並選用日本優質冷凍陳列櫃品牌 - FUKUSHIMA GALILEI的「CLAIR Send-you系列展示櫃」。 「CLAIR Send-you系列展示櫃」備有多種溫度、尺寸及顏色選擇,適合不同食材及店舖的需要 ;更提供多款配件選項, 有助提高效能和產品展示。
GALILEI「CLAIR Send-you系列展示櫃」設計簡約美觀、注重細節;系列內產品除了擁有獨特的功能優點外,設計師在各型號的產品展示區高度上亦花了心思,增強統一感,是大型連鎖超市的不二選擇!
由GALILEI團隊研發的LED 燈(CLAIR LED)可增加約 20% 的照明度;更配備多種顏色選擇,可有助凸顯食材顏色與新鮮感,刺激顧客的購買慾。
>> 詳細工程項目圖片

輝和陳列設備有限公司 仝人敬賀

輝和陳列設備有限公司 仝人敬賀

仲有1日,澳門一年一度國際體壇盛事「第70屆澳門格蘭披治大賽車」將於聽日(11月11日)開鑼! 賽事首兩天門票已經全部售罄,其餘日子的門票亦已賣得八八九九。 咁你又買咗飛未呢? 小編就已經買咗飛入場撐由我司「輝和」贊助嘅兩屆「澳門格蘭披治四級方程式大賽」冠軍得主 - 梁瀚昭Charles Leong Hon Chio。 佢今年會效力方程式中的頂級勁旅 - 「澳娛綜合德利PREMA賽車隊」,相信一定會成為賽事焦點。
「輝和」已經連續三年贊助車手梁瀚昭的出賽戰車。 因為「輝和」團隊有著與賽車車隊共同理念:深信精確的機械工程和強大的團隊合作精神,是追求卓越成就不可或缺的一部分。
Futuro 2 dual temperature vertical display is not just a hot or cold; it's both. It combines state-of-the-art technology, product promotion, customer experience, sustainability, and low energy consumption.
SMART Label is an award for innovation in the hospitality industry, promoted by HOST - Fiera Milano in collaboration with POLI.design, which will be given to those products / services / projects that stand out for distinctive features in terms of functionality, technology, environmental sustainability, or ethical or social implications. (Download Official Catalogue)
Press Release References:
2) MARKETEER (2023.10.17) Expositor vertical da Jordão recebe distinção internacional “Innovation Smart Label”
3) GRANDE CONSUMO (2023.10.16) Jordão recebedistinção internacional Innovation Smart Label
4) GOSSIP ITALIA (203.10.16) Smart Label: 26concept innovativi premiati a Host-HRImag: Hotel, Ristoranti e Istituzioni

貴為「建華集團」的合作夥伴,「輝和」當然鼎力支持今次嘅慈善跑活動啦! 除了提供贊助以外,更派出員工參與活動,齊齊實踐健康生活。 活動當日,同事們大清早7點已經精神奕奕齊集「金蛋」,準備出發!
今次活動邀請了數位星級嘉賓和運動員參與,包括:視帝陳豪 (阿Mo)、藝人黃庭鋒、孔德賢、以及3位明星運動員,包括:「滑冰女神」馬曉晴 (Maisy)、香港長跑運動員兼香港馬拉松組冠軍羅映潮 (Virginia) 和「港隊飛人」姚敬琛 (Kingsum)到場為參加者打氣,場面十分熱鬧。

輝和陳列設備有限公司 敬賀

日期 : 2023年9月5-7日
時間 : 9月5-6日 11:00 - 18:30 、 9月7日 11:00 - 17:00
地點 : 香港會議展覽中心 (展覽廳5)
展位編號 : 5F-F11
查詢: (852) 2811 9381 / sales@fixwell.com.hk

Grab & Go是香港忙碌上班族的日常!
JORDAO最新推出的「FRESCO二合一陳列櫃」,將新鮮食品和自助銷售完美整合於一個陳列櫃內,為您和顧客帶來更多的方便。 「FRESCO二合一陳列櫃」不單外形美觀、設計實用,既可以節省空間和成本,更能夠幫助刺激銷售,是您業務上不能錯過的選擇!
「FRESCO二合一陳列櫃」備有多種尺寸和溫度組合,滿足您的不同需要,歡迎向我們的專業銷售團隊查詢:(852) 2811 9381 / sales@fixwell.com.hk

正所謂「書中自有黃金屋」!「輝和」 一向樂意支持本港教育團體推廣學生閱讀風氣。 適逢「香港華仁書院」學校圖書館進行翻新工程, 為支持該校,本公司略盡綿力,特意捐贈多部「流動圖書架」,聊表心意。
已有過百年歷史的傳統名校「香港華仁書院」一向致力培育學生閱讀文化,鼓勵學生從閱讀中擴闊知識領域。 學校圖書館藏書量超過25,000本,是全港藏書量最多的中學圖書館之一。
「輝和」提供不同尺寸、款式的書架組合和陳列方案,以滿足不同客戶的需要,歡迎與我們的專業設計團隊聯絡:(852) 2811 9381 / sales@fixwell.com.hk。

Thank you for all your support and guidance this year.
Best wishes for a healthy, happy, and peaceful New Year.
Fixwell Display System Co, Ltd

我們很高興邀請您參加在香港會議展覽中心舉行的「香港餐飲展 2022」。「輝和」作為「福島伽利略」(Fukushima Galilei)冷藏展示設備的獨家代理商及其香港同澳門的主要合作夥伴,我們很開心在這次大型活動中展示和介紹新開發的製冷設備,以及其他具有各種風格同效率的商業製冷品牌。
時間:9月6 - 7日 11:00 - 18:30;9月8日 11:00 - 17:00

新店全場一萬多呎,以昭和復古的概念設計。除左一直主打的刺身及海鮮區、凍肉區、 零食及甜品區及生果區外,亦有多個即製小食攤位,例如:即烤和牛串。更設有開鮮選壽司、安田精米及全新副線選樂食堂, 瞬間成為全港最齊全 DONKI 分店!
DONKI 迷潮聖啦!